Virtual event series on Demographic Fairness in Biometric Systems

March 09, 2021

The 1st edition of EAB’s virtual events series will take place in March 2021 and has “Demographic fairness in biometric systems” as an overarching theme. In addition to today's free event, two further conference days will take place on March 15 and 30, during which world-leading biometrics experts from academia, industry and government organisations will provide insights from current research and the latest developments across the community. Their presentations will form the basis for interactions and discussions between the experts and the audience. ATHENE researchers Dr. Christian Rathgeb, Dr. Naser Damer and Dr. Pawel Drozdowski are session chairs of the conference.

The event is aimed at a wide range of stakeholders including industrial and governmental developers,
end-users of biometric systems, researchers, academics and post-graduate students, and policy makers.

More information about program and registration

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