Model compression techniques in biometrics applications: A survey
Eduarda Caldeira; Pedro C. Neto; Marco Huber; Naser Damer; Ana Filipa Sequeira
Inf. Fusion, 2025, Vol.114, p.102657
AdaDistill: Adaptive Knowledge Distillation for Deep Face Recognition
Fadi Boutros; Vitomir Struc; Naser Damer
Computer Vision - ECCV 2024 - 18th European Conference, Milan, Italy, September 29-October 4, 2024, Proceedings, Part LV, 2024, p.163-182
An Overview of Privacy-Enhancing Technologies in Biometric Recognition
P. Melzi; C. Rathgeb; R. Tolosana; R. Vera; C. Busch
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 2024
Bias and Diversity in Synthetic-based Face Recognition
Marco Huber; Anh Thi Luu; Fadi Boutros; Arjan Kuijper; Naser Damer
IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, WACV 2024, Waikoloa, HI, USA, January 3-8, 2024, 2024, p.6203-6214
BRAKE: Biometric Resilient Authenticated Key Exchange
P. Bauspieß; T. Silde; M. Poljuha; A. Tullot; A. Costache; C. Rathgeb; J. Kolberg; C Busch
IEEE Access, 2024, Vol.12, p.46596-46615
Challenges for automated face recognition systems
C. Busch
Nature Reviews Electrical Engineering, 2024
Child Face Recognition at Scale: Synthetic Data Generation and Performance Benchmark
M. Falkenberg; A. B. Ottsen; M. Ibsen; C. Rathgeb
Frontiers in Signal Processing, 2024
Conditional Face Image Manipulation Detection: Combining Algorithm and Human Examiner Decisions
M. Ibsen; R. Nichols; C. Rathgeb; D. J. Robertson; J. P. Davis; F. L\ov\aasdal; K. Raja; R. E. Jenkins; C. Busch
ACM Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security, 2024
Contactless Hand Biometrics for Forensics: Review and Performance Benchmark
L. J. Gonzalez-Soler; K. Zyla; C. Rathgeb; D. Fischer
EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing (JIVP), 2024, p.34
Demographic Variability in Face Image Quality Measures
W. Kabbani; K. Raja; R. Raghavendra; C. Busch
Conf. of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG), 2024
Detection and Mitigation of Bias in Under Exposure Estimation
A. Dörsch; C. Rathgeb; M. Grimmer; C. Busch
Conf. of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG), 2024
Double Trouble? Impact and Detection of Duplicates in Face Image Datasets
T. Schlett; C. Rathgeb; J. Tapia; C. Busch
Proc. of the 13th Intl. Conf. on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM), 2024
Efficient Explainable Face Verification based on Similarity Score Argument Backpropagation
Marco Huber; Anh Thi Luu; Philipp Terhörst; Naser Damer
IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, WACV 2024, Waikoloa, HI, USA, January 3-8, 2024, 2024, p.4724-4733
Face Presentation Attack Detection by Excavating Causal Clues and Adapting Embedding Statistics
Meiling Fang; Naser Damer
IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, WACV 2024, Waikoloa, HI, USA, January 3-8, 2024, 2024, p.6257-6267
Fairness in face presentation attack detection
Meiling Fang; Wufei Yang; Arjan Kuijper; Vitomir Struc; Naser Damer
Pattern Recognit., 2024, Vol.147, p.110002
Fairness measures for biometric quality assessment
A. Dörsch; T. Schlett; P. Munch; C. Rathgeb; C. Busch
Proc. Intl. ICPR 2024 workshop on Fairness in Biometrics (FairBio)), 2024
FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Challenge in the Era of Synthetic Data
P. Melzi; R. Tolosana; R. Vera-Rodriguez; M. Kim; C. Rathgeb; others
IEEE/CVF Winter Conf. on Applications of Computer Vision Workshops (WACVw), 2024, p.892-901
GraFIQs: Face Image Quality Assessment Using Gradient Magnitudes
Jan Niklas Kolf; Naser Damer; Fadi Boutros
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2024 - Workshops, Seattle, WA, USA, June 17-18, 2024, 2024, p.1490-1499
If It s Not Enough, Make It So: Reducing Authentic Data Demand in Face Recognition through Synthetic Faces
Andrea Atzori; Fadi Boutros; Naser Damer; Gianni Fenu; Mirko Marras
18th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, FG 2024, Istanbul, Turkey, May 27-31, 2024, 2024, p.1-10
Information Fusion and Hand Alignment to Improve Hand Recognition in Forensic Scenarios
L. J. Gonzalez-Soler; D. K. Jónsdóttir; C. Rathgeb; D. Fischer
IEEE Access, 2024, Vol.12, p.52941-52950
MixQuantBio: Towards extreme face and periocular recognition model compression with mixed-precision quantization
Jan Niklas Kolf; Jurek Elliesen; Naser Damer; Fadi Boutros
Eng. Appl. Artif. Intell., 2024, Vol.137, p.109114
Multi-Channel Cross Modal Detection of Synthetic Face Images
M. Ibsen; C. Rathgeb; S. Marcel; C. Busch
IEEE Intl. Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics (IWBF), 2024
On the Potential of Algorithm Fusion for Demographic Bias Mitigation in Face Recognition
J. Kolberg; Y. Schäfer; C. Rathgeb; C. Busch
IET Biometrics, 2024
On the Use of Synthetic Hand Images for Biometric Recognition
R. Nichols; L. J. Gonzalez-Soler; C. Rathgeb
Proc. Intl. Conf. of the Special Interest Group on Biometrics (BIOSIG 2024), 2024
Open Source Face Image Quality (OFIQ) - Implementation and Evaluation of Algorithms
J. Merkle; C. Rathgeb; B. Herdeanu; B. Tams; D. Lou; A. Dörsch; M. Schaubert; J. Dehen; L. Chen; X. Yin; D. Huang; A. Stratmann; M. Ginzler; M. Grimmer; C. Busch
PCR-HIQA: Perceptual Classifiability Ratio for Hand Image Quality Assessment
L. J. Gonzalez-Soler; M. Grimmer; D. Fischer; C. Rathgeb; C. Busch
Proc. Intl. Joint Conf. on Biometrics (IJCB), 2024, p.1-10
Periocular Biometrics: A Modality for Unconstrained Scenarios
Fernando Alonso-Fernandez; Josef Bigün; Julian Fi\ errez; Naser Damer; Hugo Proen\cca; Arun Ross
Computer, 2024, Vol.57, p.40-49
Privacy-preserving Multi-biometric Indexing based on Frequent Binary Patterns
D. Osorio-Roig; L. J. Gonzalez-Soler; C. Rathgeb; C. Busch
IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS), 2024, Vol.19, p.4835-4850
QUD: Unsupervised Knowledge Distillation for Deep Face Recognition
Jan Niklas Kolf; Naser Damer; Fadi Boutros
35th British Machine Vision Conference 2024, BMVC 2024, Glasgow, UK, November 25-28, 2024, 2024
Recognition Performance Variation Across Demographic Groups Through the Eyes of Explainable Face Recognition
Marco Huber; Anh Thi Luu; Naser Damer
18th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, FG 2024, Istanbul, Turkey, May 27-31, 2024, 2024, p.1-10
SFace2: Synthetic-Based Face Recognition With w-Space Identity-Driven Sampling
Fadi Boutros; Marco Huber; Anh Thi Luu; Patrick Siebke; Naser Damer
IEEE Trans. Biom. Behav. Identity Sci., 2024, Vol.6, p.290-303
Testing the Performance of Face Recognition for People with Down Syndrome
C. Rathgeb; M. Ibsen; D. Hartmann; S. Hradetzky; B. \ Olafsd\ ottir
Intl. Conf. on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), 2024, p.1-5
TetraLoss: Improving the Robustness of Face Recognition against Morphing Attacks
M. Ibsen; L. J. Gonzalez-Soler; C. Rathgeb; C. Busch
IEEE Intl. Conf. on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), 2024, p.1-9
Toward Synthetic Physical Fingerprint Targets
L. Ruzicka and. B. Strobl; S. Bergmann; G. Nolden; T. Michalsky; C. Domscheit; J. Priesnitz; F. Blümel; B. Kohn; C. Heitzinger
Sensors, 2024, Vol.24
A Principal Component Analysis-Based Approach for Single Morphing Attack Detection
L. Dargaud; M. Ibsen; J. Tapia; C. Busch
IEEE/CVF Winter Conf. on Applications of Computer Vision Workshops (WACVw), 2023
Attacking Face Recognition With T-Shirts: Database, Vulnerability Assessment, and Detection
M. Ibsen; C. Rathgeb; F. Brechtel; R. Klepp; K. Pöppelmann; A. George; S. Marcel; C. Busch
IEEE Access, 2023, Vol.11, p.57867-57879
Benchmarking Cross-Domain Face Recognition with Avatars, Caricatures and Sketches
A. Foroughi; C. Rathgeb; M. Ibsen; C. Busch
Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2023, p.1-5
COLFIPAD: A Presentation Attack Detection Benchmark for Contactless Fingerprint Recognition
J. Priesnitz; J. Kolberg; M. Fang; A. Madhu; C. Rathgeb; N. Damer; C. Busch
Proc. of the Intl. Joint Conf. on Biometrics (IJCB), 2023
COLFISPOOF: A new Database for Contactless Fingerprint Presentation Attack Detection Research
J. Kolberg; J. Priesnitz; C. Rathgeb; C. Busch
IEEE/CVF Winter Conf. on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2023
Considerations on the Evaluation of Biometric Quality Assessment Algorithms
T. Schlett; C. Rathgeb; J. Tapia; C. Busch
Trans. on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science (TBIOM), 2023
CR-FIQA: Face Image Quality Assessment by Learning Sample Relative Classifiability
Fadi Boutros; Meiling Fang; Marcel Klemt; Biying Fu; Naser Damer
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2023, Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 17-24, 2023, 2023, p.5836-5845
Effect of Lossy Compression Algorithms on Face Image Quality and Recognition
T. Schlett; S. Schachner; C. Rathgeb; J. Tapia; C. Busch
Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2023
Exploring Bias in Sclera Segmentation Models: A Group Evaluation Approach
M. Vitek; A. Das; D. Lucio; L. Zanlorensi; D. Menotti; J. Khiarak; M. Shahpar; M. Asgari-Chenaghlu; E. Jaryani; J. Tapia.; A. Valenzuela; C. Wang; Y. Wang; Z. He; Z. Sun; F. Boutros; N. Damer; J. Grebe; A. Kuijper; K. Raja; G. Gupta; G. Zampoukis; L. Tsochatzidis; I. Pratikakis; A. Kumar; B. Harish; U. Pal; P. Peer; V. \vStruc
IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security, 2023, Vol.18, p.190-205
Fairness von Biometrischen Systemen
J. Kolberg
Datenschutz und Datensicherheit - DuD, 2023, Vol.47, p.15-21
Fisher Vectors for Biometric Presentation Attack Detection
Lazaro Janier Gonzalez-Soler; Marta Gomez-Barrero; Jose Patino; Madhu Kamble; Massimiliano Todisco; Christoph Busch
Handbook of Biometric Anti-Spoofing: Presentation Attack Detection and Vulnerability Assessment, 2023, p.489-519
Identity-driven Three-Player Generative Adversarial Network for Synthetic-based Face Recognition
Jan Niklas Kolf; Tim Rieber; Jurek Elliesen; Fadi Boutros; Arjan Kuijper; Naser Damer
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2023 - Workshops, Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 17-24, 2023, 2023, p.806-816
IDiff-Face: Synthetic-based Face Recognition through Fizzy Identity-Conditioned Diffusion Models
Fadi Boutros; Jonas Henry Grebe; Arjan Kuijper; Naser Damer
IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision, ICCV 2023, Paris, France, October 1-6, 2023, 2023, p.19593-19604
Multi-IVE: Privacy Enhancement of Multiple Soft-Biometrics in Face Embeddings
P. Melzi; H. O. Shahreza; C. Rathgeb; R. Tolosana; R. Vera-Rodriguez; J. Fierrez; S. Marcel; C. Busch
IEEE/CVF Winter Conf. on Applications of Computer Vision Workshops (WACVw), 2023, p.323-331
On the Impact of Tattoos on Hand Recognition
L. J. Gonzalez-Soler; Kacper M. Zyla; C. Rathgeb; D. Fischer
Proc. Intl. Conf. of the Special Interest Group on Biometrics (BIOSIG 2023), 2023, p.1-10
On the Potential of Algorithm Fusion for Demographic Bias Mitigation in Face Recognition
J. Kolberg; Y. Schäfer; C. Rathgeb; C. Busch
IET Biometrics, 2023
Pixel-Level Face Image Quality Assessment for Explainable Face Recognition
Philipp Terhörst; Marco Huber; Naser Damer; Florian Kirchbuchner; Kiran B. Raja; Arjan Kuijper
IEEE Trans. Biom. Behav. Identity Sci., 2023, Vol.5, p.288-297
QMagFace: Simple and Accurate Quality-Aware Face Recognition
Philipp Terhörst; Malte Ihlefeld; Marco Huber; Naser Damer; Florian Kirchbuchner; Kiran B. Raja; Arjan Kuijper
IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, WACV 2023, Waikoloa, HI, USA, January 2-7, 2023, 2023, p.3473-3483
Semi-synthetic Data Generation for Tattoo Segmentation
L. J. Gonzalez-Soler; C. Rathgeb; D. Fischer
Proc. Intl. Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics (IWBF), 2023, p.1-6
Standards for Biometric Presentation Attack Detection
C. Busch
Handbook of Biometric Anti-Spoofing - Presentation Attack Detection and Vulnerability Assessment, 2023, p.571-581
SynthASpoof: Developing Face Presentation Attack Detection Based on Privacy-friendly Synthetic Data
Meiling Fang; Marco Huber; Naser Damer
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2023 - Workshops, Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 17-24, 2023, 2023, p.1061-1070
Synthetic data for face recognition: Current state and future prospects
Fadi Boutros; Vitomir Struc; Julian Fi\ errez; Naser Damer
Image Vis. Comput., 2023, Vol.135, p.104688
Toward Generalizable Facial Presentation Attack Detection Based on the Analysis of Facial Regions
L. J. Gonzalez-Soler; M. Gomez-Barrero; C. Busch
IEEE Access, 2023, Vol.11, p.68512-68524
Towards Contactless Fingerprint Presentation Attack Detection using Algorithms from the Contact-based Domain
J. Priesnitz; R. Casula; C. Rathgeb; G. L. Marcialis; C. Busch
Conf. of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG), 2023
Uncertainty-aware Comparison Scores for Face Recognition
Marco Huber; Philipp Terhörst; Florian Kirchbuchner; Arjan Kuijper; Naser Damer
11th International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics, IWBF 2023, Barcelona, Spain, April 19-20, 2023, 2023, p.1-6
Unsupervised Face Recognition using Unlabeled Synthetic Data
Fadi Boutros; Marcel Klemt; Meiling Fang; Arjan Kuijper; Naser Damer
17th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, FG 2023, Waikoloa Beach, HI, USA, January 5-8, 2023, 2023, p.1-8
Alcohol Consumption Detection from Periocular NIR Images Using Capsule Network
J. Tapia; E. Lopez-Droguett; C. Busch
26th Intl. Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2022, p.959-966
An Attack on Facial Soft-biometric Privacy Enhancement
D. Osorio-Roig; C. Rathgeb; P Drozdowski; P. Terhörst; V. Štruc; C. Busch
Trans. on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science (TBIOM), 2022, Vol.4, p.263-275
A novel Capsule Neural Network based model for drowsiness detection using electroencephalography signals
L. Guarda; J. Tapia; E. Lopez-Droguett; M. Ramos
Expert Systems with Applications, 2022, Vol.201, p.116977
Are Average Faces Master Faces?
André Dörsch; Christian Rathgeb; Mathias Ibsen; Christoph Busch
Proc. Intl. Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics (IWBF), 2022, p.1-6
Biometrics in the Era of COVID-19: Challenges and Opportunities
M. Gomez-Barrero; P. Drozdowski; C. Rathgeb; others
Trans. on Technology and Society (TTS), 2022
Crowd-powered Face Manipulation Detection: Fusing Human Examiner Decisions
C. Rathgeb; R. Nichols; M. Ibsen; P. Drozdowski; C. Busch
Intl. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP), 2022, p.181-185
Demographic fairness in biometric systems: What do the experts say?
C. Rathgeb; P. Drozdowski; D. C. Frings; N. Damer; C. Busch
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, 2022, Vol.41, p.71-82
Digital Face Manipulation in Biometric Systems
M. Ibsen; C. Rathgeb; D. Fischer; P. Drozdowski; C. Busch
Handbook of Digital Face Manipulation and Detection: From DeepFakes to Morphing Attacks, 2022, p.27-43
Dual-Stream Temporal Convolutional Neural Network for Voice Presentation Attack Detection
L. J. Gonzalez-Soler; M. Gomez-Barrero; M. Kamble; M. Todisco; C. Busch
Proc. Intl. Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics (IWBF), 2022, p.1-6
Evaluating Face Image Quality Score Fusion for Modern Deep Learning Models
T. Schlett; C. Rathgeb; J. Tapia; C. Busch
Intl. Conf. of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG), 2022, p.1-8
Exploring Quality Scores for Workload Reduction in Biometric Identification
D. Osorio-Roig; T. Schlett; C. Rathgeb; J. Tapia; C. Busch
Proc. Intl. Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics (IWBF), 2022
Face Beneath the Ink: Synthetic Data and Tattoo Removal with Application to Face Recognition
M. Ibsen; C. Rathgeb; P. Drozdowski; C. Busch
Applied Sciences, 2022, Vol.12
Face Morphing Attack Detection Methods
U. Scherhag; C. Rathgeb; C. Busch
Handbook of Digital Face Manipulation and Detection: From DeepFakes to Morphing Attacks, 2022, p.331-349
Fun Selfie Filters in Face Recognition: Impact Assessment and Removal
C. Botezatu; M. Ibsen; C. Rathgeb; C. Busch
IEEE Trans. on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science (TBIOM), 2022, Vol.5, p.91-104
Future Trends in Digital Face Manipulation and Detection
R. Tolosana; C. Rathgeb; R. Vera-Rodriguez; C. Busch; Luisa Verdoliva; S. Lyu; others
Handbook of Digital Face Manipulation and Detection: From DeepFakes to Morphing Attacks, 2022, p.463-482
Handbook of Digital Face Manipulation and Detection: From DeepFakes to Morphing Attacks
C. Rathgeb; R. Tolosana; R. Vera; C. Busch
Identity Documents Image Quality Assessment
D. Schulz; J. Maureira; J. Tapia; C. Busch
30th European Signal Processing Conf. (EUSIPCO), 2022, p.1017-1021
Improved Homomorphically Encrypted Biometric Identification Using Coefficient Packing
P. Bauspieß; J. Olafsson; J. Kolberg; P. Drozdowski; C. Rathgeb; C. Busch
Proc. Intl. Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics (IWBF), 2022
Mobile Contactless Fingerprint Recognition: Implementation, Performance and Usability Aspects
J. Priesnitz; R. Huesmann; C. Rathgeb; N. Buchmann; C. Busch
MDPI Intelligent Sensors, 2022
Modelling Frequent Imperfections of Contactless Fingerprints
S. Lorenz; J. Priesnitz; C. Rathgeb; C. Busch
Proc. of the 2022 Intl. Joint Conf. on Biometrics (IJCB), 2022, p.1-8
Reliable detection of doppelgängers based on deep face representations
Christian Rathgeb; Daniel Fischer; Pawel Drozdowski; Christoph Busch
IET Biometrics, 2022, Vol.11, p.215-224
Selfie Periocular Verification using an Efficient Super-Resolution Approach
J. Tapia; A. Valenzuela; R. Lara; M. Gomez-Barrero; C. Busch
Proc. IEEE Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS), 2022
Signal-level fusion for indexing and retrieval of facial biometric data
P. Drozdowski; F. Stockhardt; C. Rathgeb; C. Busch
IET Biometrics, 2022, Vol.11, p.1-16
SynCoLFinGer: Synthetic contactless fingerprint generator
Jannis Priesnitz; Christian Rathgeb; Nicolas Buchmann; Christoph Busch
Pattern Recognition Letters, 2022, Vol.157, p.127-134
The Influence of Gender and Skin Colour on the Watchlist Imbalance Effect in Facial Identification Scenarios
J. Kolberg; C. Rathgeb; C. Busch
Intl. Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2022, p.1-13
Towards Refining ID Cards Presentation Attack Detection Systems using Face Quality Index
S. Gonzalez; J. Tapia
30th European Signal Processing Conf. (EUSIPCO), 2022, p.1027-1031
When Facial Recognition Systems become Presentation Attack Detectors
L. J. Gonzalez-Soler; K. A. Barhaugen; M. Gomez-Barrero; C. Busch
Proc. Intl. Conf. of the Special Interest Group on Biometrics (BIOSIG 2022), 2022, p.1-8
Analysing the feasibility of using Objectosphere for Face Presentation Attack Detection
L. J. Gonzalez-Soler; M. Gomez-Barrero; M. Günther; C. Busch
Norwegian Information Security Conf. (NISK), 2021
Anomaly Detection with Convolutional Autoencoders for Fingerprint Presentation Attack Detection
J. Kolberg; M. Grimmer; M. Gomez-Barrero; C. Busch
Trans. on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science (TBIOM), 2021, Vol.3, p.190-202
An Overview of touchless 2D Fingerprint Recognition
J. Priesnitz; C. Rathgeb; N. Buchmann; C. Busch
EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, 2021
A response to the European Data Protection Supervisor Misunderstandings in Biometrics by the European Association for Biometrics
C. Busch; A. Czajka; F. Deravi; P. Drozdowski; M. Gomez-Barrero; G. Hasse; O. Henniger; E. Kindt; J. Kolberg; A. Nouak; K. Raja; R. Raghavendra; C. Rathgeb; J. Salomon; R. Veldhuis
IET Biometrics, 2021, Vol.11, p.79-86
Deep Face Age Progression: A Survey
M. Grimmer; R. Raghavendra; C. Busch
IEEE Access, 2021, Vol.9, p.83376-83393
Deep Learning-Based Semantic Segmentation for Touchless Fingerprint Recognition
J. Priesnitz; C. Rathgeb; N. Buchmann; C. Busch
Proc. Intl. Conf. Pattern Recognition (ICPR) (Workshops), 2021
Deep learning-based single image face depth data enhancement
T. Schlett; C. Rathgeb; C. Busch
Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU), 2021, Vol.210
Differential Anomaly Detection for Facial Images
M. Ibsen; L. J. Gonzalez-Soler; C. Rathgeb; P. Drozdowski; M. Gomez-Barrero; C. Busch
IEEE Intl. Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS), 2021, p.1-6
Effects of Image Compression on Face Image Manipulation Detection: A Case Study on Facial Retouching
C. Rathgeb; K. Bernardo; N. E. Haryanto; C. Busch
IET Biometrics, 2021, Vol.10
Face Image Quality Assessment: A Literature Survey
T. Schlett; C. Rathgeb; O. Henniger; J. Galbally; J. Fierrez; C. Busch
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 2021
Face Morphing Attacks: A Threat to eLearning?
C. Rathgeb; K. Pöppelmann; C. Busch
IEEE Global Engineering Education Conf. (EDUCON 2021), 2021, p.1-6
Feature Fusion Methods for Indexing and Retrieval of Biometric Data: Application to Face Recognition with Privacy Protection
P. Drozdowski; F. Stockhardt; C. Rathgeb; D. Osorio-Roig; C. Busch
IEEE Access, 2021, Vol.9, p.139361-139378
Fingerprint Presentation Attack Detection Based on Local Features Encoding for Unknown Attacks
L. J. Gonzalez-Soler; M. Gomez-Barrero; L. Chang; A. Perez-Suarez; C. Busch
IEEE Access, 2021, Vol.9, p.5806-5820
Generation of Non-Deterministic Synthetic Face Datasets Guided by Identity Priors
M. Grimmer; H. Zhang; R. Raghavendra; K. Raja; C. Busch, 2021
Image Quality Assessment on Identity Documents
C. Yanez; J. Tapia
Proc. Intl. Conf. of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG), 2021, p.1-5
Impact of Doppelgängers on Face Recognition: Database and Evaluation
C. Rathgeb; P. Drozdowski; M. Obel; A. Dörsch; F. Stockhardt; N. E. Haryanto; K. Bernardo; C. Busch
Intl. Conf. of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG), 2021, p.1-4
Impact of facial tattoos and paintings on face recognition systems
M. Ibsen; C. Rathgeb; T. Fink; P. Drozdowski; C. Busch
IET Biometrics, 2021
Iris Liveness Detection Using a Cascade of Dedicated Deep Learning Networks
J. Tapia; S. Gonzalez; C. Busch
IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security, 2021, Vol.17, p.42-52
Local Feature Encoding for Unknown Presentation Attack Detection: An Analysis of Different Local Feature Descriptors
L. J. Gonzalez-Soler; M. Gomez-Barrero; J. Kolberg; L. Chang; A. Perez-Suarez; C. Busch
IET Biometrics, 2021, p.1-13
Makeup Presentation Attack Potential Revisited: Skills Pay the Bills
P. Drozdowski; S. Grobarek; J. Schurse; C. Rathgeb; F. Stockhardt; C. Busch
Intl. Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics (IWBF), 2021, p.1-6
Morphing Attack Detection: A Fusion Approach
S. Lorenz; U. Scherhag; C. Rathgeb; C. Busch
2021 IEEE 24th Intl. Conf. on Information Fusion (FUSION), 2021, p.703-709
Multi-Spectral Short Wave Infrared Sensors and Convolutional Neural Networks for Biometric Presentation Attack Detection
M. Gomez-Barrero; R. Tolosana; J. Kolberg; C. Busch
AI and Deep Learning in Biometric Security: Trends, Potential and Challenges, 2021, p.105-132
NFIQ 2 NIST Fingerprint Image Quality
E. Tabassi; M. Olsen; O. Bausinger; C. Busch; A. Figlarz; G. Fiumara; O. Henniger; J. Merkle; T. Ruhland; C. Schiel; M. Schwaiger
NIR Iris Challenge Evaluation in Non-cooperative Environments: Segmentation and Localization
C. Wang; J. Tapia
Proc. of the 2021 Intl. Joint Conf. on Biometrics (IJCB), 2021
On the Applicability of Synthetic Data for Face Recognition
H. Zhang; M. Grimmer; R. Raghavendra; K. Raja; C. Busch
arXiv, 2021
On the Effectiveness of Impedance-Based Fingerprint Presentation Attack Detection
J. Kolberg; D. Gläsner; R. Breithaupt; M. Gomez-Barrero; J. Reinhold; A. von Twickel; C. Busch
Sensors, 2021, Vol.21
On the Generalisation Capabilities of Fingerprint Presentation Attack Detection Methods in the Short Wave Infrared Domain
J. Kolberg; M. Gomez-Barrero; C. Busch
IET Biometrics, 2021, Vol.10, p.359-373
On the Generalisation capabilities of Fisher Vector based Face Presentation Attack Detection
L. J. Gonzalez-Soler; M. Gomez-Barrero; C. Busch
IET Biometrics, 2021, Vol.10, p.480-496
Security Enhancement and Privacy Protection for Biometric Systems
J. Kolberg
Semantic Segmentation of Periocular Near-Infra-Red Eye Images Under Alcohol Effects
J. Tapia; E.LopezDroguett; A. Valenzuela; D. Benalcazar; L. Causa; C. Busch
IEEE Access, 2021
Single Morphing Attack Detection Using Feature Selection and Visualization Based on Mutual Information
J. Tapia; C. Busch
IEEE Access, 2021, Vol.9, p.167628-167641
Single Morphing Attack Detection Using Feature Selection and Visualization Based on Mutual Information
J. Tapia; C. Busch
IEEE Access, 2021
Stable Hash Generation for Efficient Privacy-Preserving Face Identification
D. Osorio-Roig; C. Rathgeb; P Drozdowski; C. Busch
Trans. on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science (TBIOM), 2021
The Watchlist Imbalance Effect in Biometric Face Identification: Comparing Theoretical Estimates and Empiric Measurements
P. Drozdowski; C. Rathgeb; C. Busch
Intl. Conf. on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW), 2021, p.1-9
Voice biometrics: how the technology is standardized
A. Nautsch; C. Busch
Voice Biometrics: Technology, trust and security, 2021, p.139-162
An Efficient Super-Resolution Single Image Network using Sharpness Loss Metrics for Iris
J. Tapia; M. Gomez-Barrero; C. Busch
Proc. IEEE Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS), 2020
Beyond Identity: What Information is Stored in Biometric Face Templates?
Philipp Terhörst; Daniel Fährmann; Naser Damer; Florian Kirchbuchner; Arjan Kuijper
IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics, IJCB 2020, 2020, p.10
Biometric Presentation Attack Detection: Beyond the Visible Spectrum
R. Tolosana; M. Gomez-Barrero; C. Busch; J. Ortega-Garcia
IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security, 2020, Vol.15, p.1261-1275
Can GAN Generated Morphs Threaten Face Recognition Systems Equally as Landmark Based Morphs? - Vulnerability and Detection
Sushma Venkatesh; Haoyu Zhang; Raghavendra Ramachandra; Kiran Raja; Naser Damer; Christoph Busch
8th International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics, IWBF 2020. Proceedings, 2020, p.6
Can Generative Colourisation Help Face Recognition?
P. Drozdowski; D. Fischer; C. Rathgeb; C. Busch
Intl. Conf. of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG), 2020, p.299-307
Compact Models for Periocular Verification Through Knowledge Distillation
Fadi Boutros; Naser Damer; Meiling Fang; Kiran Raja; Florian Kirchbuchner; Arjan Kuijper
BIOSIG 2020, 19th International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group. Proceedings, 2020, p.291-298
Comparison-Level Mitigation of Ethnic Bias in Face Recognition
Philipp Terhörst; Mai Ly Tran; Naser Damer; Florian Kirchbuchner; Arjan Kuijper
8th International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics, IWBF 2020. Proceedings, 2020, p.6
Deep Face Representations for Differential Morphing Attack Detection
U. Scherhag; C. Rathgeb; J. Merkle; Christoph Busch
IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security, 2020
Deep Learning Multi-layer Fusion for an Accurate Iris Presentation Attack Detection
Meiling Fang; Naser Damer; Fadi Boutros; Florian Kirchbuchner; Arjan Kuijper
FUSION 2020, 23rd International Conference on Information Fusion, 2020, p.8
Demographic Bias: A Challenge for Fingervein Recognition Systems?
P. Drozdowski; B. Prommegger; G. Wimmer; R. Schraml; C. Rathgeb; A. Uhl; C. Busch
European Signal Processing Conf. (EUSIPCO), 2020, p.825-829
Demographic Bias in Biometrics: A Survey on an Emerging Challenge
P. Drozdowski; C. Rathgeb; A. Dantcheva; N. Damer; C. Busch
Trans. on Technology and Society (TTS), 2020, Vol.1, p.89-103
Demographic Bias in Presentation Attack Detection of Iris Recognition Systems
Meiling Fang; Naser Damer; Florian Kirchbuchner; Arjan Kuijper
28th European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2020. Proceedings, 2020, p.835-839
Detection of Makeup Presentation Attacks based on Deep Face Representations
C. Rathgeb; P. Drozdowski; C. Busch
Proc. Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2020, p.1-6
Differential Detection of Facial Retouching: A Multi-Biometric Approach
C. Rathgeb; C.-I. Satnoianu; N. E. Haryanto; K. Bernardo; C. Busch
IEEE Access, 2020, Vol.8, p.106373-106385
Efficiency Analysis of Post-quantum-secure Face Template Protection Schemes based on Homomorphic Encryption
J. Kolberg; P. Drozdowski; M. Gomez-Barrero; C. Rathgeb; C. Busch
Intl. Conf. of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG), 2020, p.1-4
Face morph detection for unknown morphing algorithms and image sources: a multi-scale block local binary pattern fusion approach
U. Scherhag; J. Kunze; C. Rathgeb; C. Busch
IET Biometrics, 2020, Vol.9, p.278-289
Face Quality Estimation and its Correlation to Demographic and Non-Demographic Bias in Face Recognition
Philipp Terhörst; Jan Niklas Kolf; Naser Damer; Florian Kirchbuchner; Arjan Kuijper
IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics, IJCB 2020, 2020, p.11
Fusing Iris and Periocular Region for User Verification in Head Mounted Displays
Fadi Boutros; Naser Damer; Kiran Raja; Raghavendra Ramachandra; Florian Kirchbuchner; Arjan Kuijper
FUSION 2020, 23rd International Conference on Information Fusion, 2020, p.8
Iris and Periocular Biometrics for Head Mounted Displays. Segmentation, Recognition, and Synthetic Data Generation
Fadi Boutros; Naser Damer; Kiran Raja; Raghavendra Ramachandra; Florian Kirchbuchner; Arjan Kuijper
Image and Vision Computing, 2020, Vol.104, p.Art. 104007, 24
Iris Liveness Detection Competition (LivDet-Iris) - The 2020 Edition
Priyanka Das; Joseph McGrath; Zhaoyuan Fang; Aidan Boyd; Ganghee Jang; Amir Mohammadi; Sandip Purnapatra; David Yambay; Sébastien Marcel; Mateusz Trokielewicz; Piotr Maciejewicz; Kevin W. Bowyer; Adam Czajka; Stephanie Schuckers; Juan Tapia; Sebastian Gonzalez; Meiling Fang; Naser Damer; Fadi Boutros; Arjan Kuijper; Renu Sharma; Cunjian Chen; Arun A. Ross
IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics, IJCB 2020, 2020, p.9
Learning Privacy-Enhancing Face Representations through Feature Disentanglement
Blaz Bortolato; Marija Ivanovska; Peter Rot; Janez Križaj; Philipp Terhörst; Naser Damer; Peter Peer; Vitomir Struc
15th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, FG 2020. Proceedings, 2020, p.45-52
Makeup Presentation Attacks: Review and Detection Performance Benchmark
C. Rathgeb; P. Drozdowski; C. Busch
IEEE Access, 2020, Vol.8, p.224958-224973
Micro Stripes Analyses for Iris Presentation Attack Detection
Meiling Fang; Naser Damer; Florian Kirchbuchner; Arjan Kuijper
IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics, IJCB 2020, 2020, p.10
Morphing-Angriffe - Ein Sicherheitsrisiko für Gesichtserkennungssysteme
J. Merkle; C. Rathgeb; U. Scherhag; C. Busch
Datenschutz und Datensicherheit - DuD, 2020, Vol.44, p.38-42
Morphing Attack Detection - Database, Evaluation Platform and Benchmarking
K. Raja; M. Ferrara; A. Franco; L. Spreeuwers; I. Batskos; others
IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security, 2020
Morphing Attack Detection using Laplace operator based features
U. Scherhag; D. Fischer; S. Isadskiy; J. Otte; C. Busch
in Proc. Norwegian Information Security Conf. (NISK), 2020
Multi-biometric Identification with Cascading Database Filtering
P. Drozdowski; C. Rathgeb; B.-A. Mokroß; C. Busch
Trans. on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science (TBIOM), 2020, Vol.2, p.210-222
Neue Normen für biometrische Datenaustauschformate : Normenreihe ISO/IEC 39794
Olaf Henniger
DuD: Datenschutz und Datensicherheit, 2020, Vol.44, p.43-47
On Benchmarking Iris Recognition within a Head-mounted Display for AR/VR Applications
Fadi Boutros; Naser Damer; Kiran Raja; Raghavendra Ramachandra; Florian Kirchbuchner; Arjan Kuijper
IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics, IJCB 2020, 2020, p.10
On the Assessment of Face Image Quality Based on Handcrafted Features
Olaf Henniger; Biying Fu; Cong Chen
BIOSIG 2020, 19th International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group. Proceedings, 2020, p.273-280
PE-MIU: A Training-Free Privacy-Enhancing Face Recognition Approach Based on Minimum Information Units
Philipp Terhörst; Kevin Riehl; Naser Damer; Peter Rot; Blaz Bortolato; Florian Kirchbuchner; Vitomir Struc; Arjan Kuijper
IEEE access, 2020, Vol.8, p.93635-93647
Periocular Biometrics in Head-Mounted Displays: A Sample Selection Approach for Better Recognition
Fadi Boutros; Naser Damer; Kiran Raja; Raghavendra Ramachandra; Florian Kirchbuchner; Arjan Kuijper
8th International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics, IWBF 2020. Proceedings, 2020, p.6
Plastic Surgery: An Obstacle for Deep Face Recognition?
C. Rathgeb; D. Dogan; F. Stockhardt; M. De Marsico; C. Busch
Proc. 15th IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Biometrics (CVPRW), 2020, p.806-807
Post-comparison Mitigation of Demographic Bias in Face Recognition Using Fair Score Normalization
Philipp Terhörst; Jan Niklas Kolf; Naser Damer; Florian Kirchbuchner; Arjan Kuijper
Pattern recognition letters, 2020, Vol.140, p.332-338
Privacy Evaluation Protocols for the Evaluation of Soft-Biometric Privacy-Enhancing Technologies
Philipp Terhörst; Marco Huber; Naser Damer; Peter Rot; Florian Kirchbuchner; Vitomir Struc; Arjan Kuijper
BIOSIG 2020, 19th International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group. Proceedings, 2020, p.215-222
PRNU-based Detection of Facial Retouching
C. Rathgeb; A. Botaljov; F. Stockhardt; S. Isadskiy; L. Debiasi; A.Uhl; C. Busch
IET Biometrics, 2020, Vol.9, p.154-164
Sensing Technology for Human Activity Recognition: A Comprehensive Survey
Biying Fu; Naser Damer; Florian Kirchbuchner; Arjan Kuijper
IEEE access, 2020, Vol.8, p.83791-83820
SER-FIQ: Unsupervised Estimation of Face Image Quality Based on Stochastic Embedding Robustness
Philipp Terhörst; Jan Niklas Kolf; Naser Damer; Florian Kirchbuchner; Arjan Kuijper
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2020. Proceedings, 2020, p.5650-5659
Simulation of Print-Scan Transformations for Face Images based on Conditional Adversarial Networks
A. Mitkovski; J. Merkle; C. Rathgeb; B. Tams; K. Bernardo; N. E. Haryanto; C. Busch
Proc. of 2020 Intl. Conf. of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG), 2020, p.1-8
SSBC 2020: Sclera Segmentation Benchmarking Competition in the Mobile Environment
M. Vitek; A. Das; Y. Pourcenoux; A. Missler; C. Paumier; S. Das; I. De Ghosh; D. R. Lucio; L. A. Zanlorensi Jr.; D. Menotti; F. Boutros; N. Damer; J. H. Grebe; A. Kuijper; J. Hu; Y. He; C. Wang; H. Liu; Y. Wang; Z. Sun; D. Osorio-Roig; C. Rathgeb; C. Busch; J. Tapia; A. Valenzuela; G. Zampoukis; L. Tsochatzidis; I. Pratikakis; S. Nathan; R. Suganya; V. Mehta; A. Dhall; K. Raja; G. Gupta; J. N. Khiarak; M. Akbari-Shahper; F. Jaryani; M. Asgari-Chenaghlu; R. Vyas; S. Dakshit; S. Dakshit; P. Peer; U. Pal; V. Struc
Proc. Intl. Joint Conf. on Biometrics (IJCB), 2020, p.1-10
The Effect of Wearing a Mask on Face Recognition Performance. An Exploratory Study
Naser Damer; Jonas Henry Grebe; Cong Chen; Fadi Boutros; Florian Kirchbuchner; Arjan Kuijper
BIOSIG 2020, 19th International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group. Proceedings, 2020, p.1-10
Vulnerability Assessment and Detection of Makeup Presentation Attacks
C. Rathgeb; P. Drozdowski; D. Fischer; C. Busch
Proc. Int. Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics (IWBF), 2020, p.1-6
A Multi-detector Solution Towards an Accurate and Generalized Detection of Face Morphing Attacks
Naser Damer; Steffen Zienert; Yaza Wainakh; Alexandra Moseguí Saladié; Florian Kirchbuchner; Arjan Kuijper
22th International Conference on Information Fusion, FUSION 2019, 2019, p.8
Computational Workload in Biometric Identification Systems: An Overview
P. Drozdowski; C. Rathgeb; C. Busch
IET Biometrics, 2019, Vol.8, p.351-368
Cross-Spectral Periocular Recognition by Cascaded Spectral Image Transformation
Kiran Raja; Naser Damer; Raghavendra Ramachandra; Fadi Boutros; Christoph Busch
IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems & Techniques, IST 2019. Conference Proceedings, 2019, p.7
Cross-spectrum thermal to visible face recognition based on cascaded image synthesis
Khawla Mallat; Naser Damer; Fadi Boutros; Arjan Kuijper; Jean-Luc Dugelay
12th IAPR International Conference on Biometrics, ICB 2019, 2019, p.8
D-ID-Net: Two-Stage Domain and Identity Learning for Identity-Preserving Image Generation from Semantic Segmentation
Naser Damer; Fadi Boutros; Florian Kirchbuchner; Arjan Kuijper
IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops, ICCVW 2019. Proceedings, 2019, p.3677-3682
Detecting Face Morphing Attacks by Analyzing the Directed Distances of Facial Landmarks Shifts
Naser Damer; Viola Boller; Yaza Wainakh; Fadi Boutros; Philipp Terhörst; Andreas Braun; Arjan Kuijper
Pattern Recognition. 40th German Conference, GCPR 2018, 2019, p.518-534
Detection of Face Morphing Attacks based on PRNU Analysis
U. Scherhag; L. Debiasi; C. Rathgeb; C. Busch; A. Uhl
Trans. on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science (TBIOM), 2019
eContracting: Case Study - Face Recognition in the Biometric Passport
C. Busch
eDemocracy and eGovernment, 2019
Empirical Evaluation of Texture-Based Print and Contact Lens Iris Presentation Attack Detection Methods
H. Mandalapu; R. Raghavendra; C. Busch
Proc. of the 3rd Intl. Conf. on Biometric Engineering and Applications (ICBEA), 2019
Exploring the Channels of Multiple Color Spaces for Age and Gender Estimation from Face Images
Fadi Boutros; Naser Damer; Philipp Terhörst; Florian Kirchbuchner; Arjan Kuijper
22th International Conference on Information Fusion, FUSION 2019, 2019, p.8
Eye-MMS: Miniature Multi-Scale Segmentation Network of Key Eye-Regions in Embedded Applications
Fadi Boutros; Naser Damer; Florian Kirchbuchner; Arjan Kuijper
IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops, ICCVW 2019. Proceedings, 2019, p.3665-3670
Face Recognition Systems under Morphing Attacks: A Survey
U. Scherhag; C. Rathgeb; J. Merkle; R. Breithaupt; C. Busch
IEEEAccess, 2019
Impact and Detection of Facial Beautification in Face Recognition: An Overview
C. Rathgeb; A. Dantcheva; C. Busch
IEEE Access, 2019, Vol.7, p.152667-152678
Minutiae-Based Gender Estimation for Full and Partial Fingerprints of Arbitrary Size and Shape
Philipp Terhörst; Naser Damer; Andreas Braun; Arjan Kuijper
Computer Vision - ACCV 2018. 14th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, 2019, p.171-186
Multi-algorithmic Fusion for Reliable Age and Gender Estimation from Face Images
Philipp Terhörst; Marco Huber; Jan Niklas Kolf; Naser Damer; Florian Kirchbuchner; Arjan Kuijper
22th International Conference on Information Fusion, FUSION 2019, 2019, p.8
On Learning Joint Multi-biometric Representations by Deep Fusion
Naser Damer; Kristiyan Dimitrov; Andreas Braun; Arjan Kuijper
IEEE 10th International Conference on Biometrics Theory, Applications and Systems, BTAS 2019, 2019, p.320-327
On the Application of Homomorphic Encryption to Face Identification
P. Drozdowski; N. Buchmann; C. Rathgeb; M. Margraf; C. Busch
Intl. Conf. of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG), 2019, p.1-8
On the Detection of GAN-Based Face Morphs Using Established Morph Detectors
L. Debiasi; N. Damer; A. Moseguí-Saladié; C. Rathgeb; U. Scherhag; C. Busch; F. Kirchbuchner; A. Uhl
Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP), 2019, p.345-356
On the Generalization of Detecting Face Morphing Attacks as Anomalies: Novelty vs. Outlier Detection
Naser Damer; Jonas Henry Grebe; Steffen Zienert; Florian Kirchbuchner; Arjan Kuijper
IEEE 10th International Conference on Biometrics Theory, Applications and Systems, BTAS 2019, 2019, p.355-359
Preserving Privacy in Speaker and Speech Characterisation
A. Nautsch; A. Jiménez; A. Treiber; J. Kolberg; C. Jasserand; others
Computer Speech \& Language, 2019, Vol.58, p.441-480
Privacy-preserving PLDA Speaker Verification Using Outsourced Secure Computation
A. Treiber; A. Nautsch; J. Kolberg; T. Schneider; C. Busch
Speech Communication, 2019, Vol.114, p.60-71
Realistic Dreams: Cascaded Enhancement of GAN-generated Imageswith an Example in Face Morphing Attacks
Naser Damer; Fadi Boutros; Alexandra Moseguí Saladie; Florian Kirchbuchner; Arjan Kuijper
IEEE 10th International Conference on Biometrics Theory, Applications and Systems, BTAS 2019, 2019, p.201-210
Reliable Age and Gender Estimation from Face Images: Stating the Confidence of Model Predictions
Philipp Terhörst; Marco Huber; Jan Niklas Kolf; Ines Zelch; Naser Damer; Florian Kirchbuchner; Arjan Kuijper
IEEE 10th International Conference on Biometrics Theory, Applications and Systems, BTAS 2019, 2019, p.59-66
Robust Face Authentication Based on Dynamic Quality-weighted Comparison of Visible and Thermal-to-visible images to Visible Enrollments
Khawla Mallat; Naser Damer; Fadi Boutros; Jean-Luc Dugelay
22th International Conference on Information Fusion, FUSION 2019, 2019, p.8
Standards for Biometric Presentation Attack Detection
C. Busch
Handbook of Biometric Anti-Spoofing, 2019, p.503-514
Suppressing Gender and Age in Face Templates Using Incremental Variable Elimination
Philipp Terhörst; Naser Damer; Florian Kirchbuchner; Arjan Kuijper
12th IAPR International Conference on Biometrics, ICB 2019, 2019, p.8
Template Protection based on Homomorphic Encryption: Computationally Efficient Application to Iris-Biometric Verification and Identification
J. Kolberg; P. Bauspieß; M. Gomez-Barrero; C. Rathgeb; M. Dürmuth; C. Busch
IEEE Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS), 2019, p.1-6
Thermal and Cross-spectral Palm Image Matching in the Visual Domain by Robust Image Transformation
Ewelina Bartuzi; Naser Damer
12th IAPR International Conference on Biometrics, ICB 2019, 2019, p.305-312
To Detect or not to Detect: The Right Faces to Morph
Naser Damer; Alexandra Moseguí Saladie; Steffen Zienert; Yaza Wainakh; Florian Kirchbuchner; Arjan Kuijper; Philipp Terhörst
12th IAPR International Conference on Biometrics, ICB 2019, 2019, p.8
Turning a Vulnerability into an Asset: Accelerating Facial Identification with Morphing
P. Drozdowski; C. Rathgeb; C. Busch
Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2019, p.1-5
Unsupervised Privacy-enhancement of Face Representations Using Similarity-sensitive Noise Transformations
Philipp Terhörst; Naser Damer; Florian Kirchbuchner; Arjan Kuijper
Applied intelligence, 2019, Vol.49, p.3043–3060